August 4, 2024

Rev Terry Cummings will conduct the Service at Blue Hills UU, Sunday, August 4th. , and delve into the “Living Tradition of Unitarian Universalism.” Drawing from the Six Sources of UU, Rev Cummings dedicates the morning to the second source: “Words and deeds of prophetic people which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice compassion and the transforming power of love.”

Rev Terry Cummings

Cummings will reflect on the words and deeds of current day leaders whom history may one day judge to be such persons. Discussion always follows the services at BHUU, and everyone is welcome to take part.  Services begin at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, and on Zoom.  The zoom link is sent to members, although anyone interested may request it by contacting

July 28, 2024

Having grown up in Rice Lake, our member Dr. James Bradley, retired biology  professor of Auburn University, Alabama, returns to his home turf as often as possible to enjoy fishing on Red Cedar Lake, and being part of his home town for a spell.  

Sunday, July 28th, Jim will share a view of science with the Blue Hills Unitarian Universalists that considers “Science as a 21st Century Myth,” exploring how the findings of modern science can contribute to a 21st Century  myth to live by that enriches our spiritual lives.  One asks “How can that be? Aren’t science and myth polar opposite ways of knowing?” Dr. Bradley shares that he has come to see they have more in common than first meets the mind.  

All are welcome Sunday, July 27th as Dr. Bradley explores the concept that “a cosmogonic myth is a story with two major components: a cosmos and an ethos. A myth’s cosmos tells about ultimate origins – of the world, of humans, of Everything. A myth’s ethos tells us how to live a good life.  Science provides us with a wonderful 21st Century cosmogonic story that can feed the spiritual dimension of our lives.”

Dr. James Bradley – Home on Red Cedar Lake

As always – everyone is welcome at BHUU;  Sunday services begin at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, and on Zoom.  The zoom link is sent to members, although anyone interested may request it by contacting

July 21, 2024

On Sunday July 21st. visiting Chaplain Dennis Peters returns to the Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship to celebrate the hymns inspired by Christianity and religion in general, over the centuries.

Among all religious teachings and practices, this central feature, music, manages to rises above much of the struggles experienced in all sects.  Ch. Peters shares that this one very positive note, inspired by religious practice, often speaks louder and sends a clearer message than many other forms of communication. We’ll plan to listen to some of the classics.  Expect to be inspired!

Third Sunday of each month is also Pot Luck at BHUU – bring a dish to share with your neighbors and members of the fellowship to enjoy  nourishment and camaraderie.   As always – everyone is welcome at BHUU;  Sunday services begin at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, and on Zoom.  The zoom link is sent to members, although anyone interested may request it by contacting

July 14, 2024

Arthur Thexton returns to the Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist pulpit this coming Sunday, July 14th.   Always one to provoke thought, Arthur asks “What does Dr. Seuss have to do with religion?” Nearly everyone is familiar with the work of Dr. Seuss, and many religions have tried to claim him as one of their own – although he apparently never joined any congregation. Thexton’s Sunday services are always followed with lively discussion, so be with us as we query “Was Dr. Seuss he a UU, closet or otherwise?”

A frequent guest speaker at Blue Hills UU, Arthur successfully attended the Meadville Lombard Theological School, then studied at the University of Chicago before obtaining his law degree from the UW Madison.  He served as Assistant District Attorney in Barron County during the mid-1980’s, and lived with his family in Rice Lake.

Arthur Thexton

As always – everyone is welcome at BHUU;  Sunday services begin at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, and on Zoom.  The zoom link is sent to members, although anyone interested may request it by contacting

July 7, 2024

The results are in, the votes counted, the news was not surprising, but not what we wanted to hear.   At our next Sunday service, our two delegates to the 2024 UUA General Assembly will report their observations and experience in attending the recent conference held via live stream.   What implications will the change in philosophy, practices and the abandonment of our former Principles & Sources have for us? 

How might all of this affect our own Blue Hills UU Fellowship?   And what, please tell us:  would constitute being “Out of Covenant”?  We are all anxious to know.   Be with us at 10:00 a.m. Sunday July 7th as we hear the full report from our delegates Judy Barisonzi and Pat Shifferd.  And thank them for their fastidious and focused attention through what had to be a draining experience.

Judy — and Pat.

As always – everyone is welcome at BHUU;  Sunday services begin at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, and on Zoom.  The zoom link is sent to members, although anyone interested may request it by contacting

June 30, 2024

The World Relief organization, Wisconsin’s Chippewa Valley chapter, will share their expertise with Blue Hill Unitarian Universalists on Sunday, June 30th.   Community Engagement Specialist, Jodi Jewell will journey to Rice Lake to share news of their work in helping refugees from around the world.   

“World Relief” is a global Christian humanitarian organization that has been working for over 80 years to contend with the world’s greatest crises, in partnership with the church. Their work primarily centers around refugee resettlement, so those who’ve been forced to leave their home country due to war, violence, or persecution because of race, religion, nationality or political issues may find a safe place to belong.

After the service, several members will host Ms. Jewell to Sunday Brunch, to which all are invited, extending the opportunity for discussion with Ms. Jewell.

Everyone is welcome at BHUU;  Sunday services begin at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, and on Zoom.  The zoom link is sent to members, although all interested may request it by contacting

June 23, 2024

As probably all UU members know – our national convention:  the Unitarian-Universalist Association’s General Assembly begins this coming week, Thursday the 20th.  In sync with them, we have the opportunity to attend their Sunday Worship Service, being live-streamed for all of us thru the wizardry of ZOOM;  we will be able to “attend” at our regular service time, 10 a.m. June 23rd in our own sanctuary at Blue Hills UU.

Our two delegates, Pat Shifferd and Judy Barisonzi, will attend many of the planned meetings and groups sessions, throughout the nearly four days of GA. Our collective decisions regarding changes proposed at the 2023 UUA-GA will be contributed during the week by our delegates, with the final decisions soon to be shared with all.  Those wanting to know more of the plans for the coming week, go to, and:  Stay TUNED!   

UUA – GA 2023

Everyone is welcome at BHUU Sunday services, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom;  the zoom link is sent to members, although all interested may request it by contacting

June 16, 2024

Joining us in the sanctuary at Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship this coming Sunday, June 16th., will be our local chaplain Dennis Peters.  In a former life as an I.T. specialist, Peters has joked that his career change from IT to the lay ministry and pastoral care seems to be a natural transition. 

If one suspects abit of humor in his observation, there is also a serious set of similarities found to be helpful on both ends of the spectrum.   Ch Peters will share his “Eureka!” moment with our Rice Lake Fellowship at 10 a.m. followed by the Third Sunday Potluck held each month.  All are invited to bring a dish to share and enjoy time with the membership.

Chaplain Peters and Lily

All are welcome at BHUU Sunday services, 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom;  the zoom link is sent to members, although all interested may request it by contacting

June 9, 2024

Our Fellowship hosts the itinerate lay preacher Arthur Thexton, Sunday morning, June 9th reminding us that even in summer time, when “the living is easy –” it may not really be a good idea to give ourselves a vacation from our religious lives just because it’s summer.  In fact, states Arthur “I’m sure it’s a bad idea;  just as if we practiced our beliefs only on Sundays and not the rest of the week.”

But the reality is that attendance at Sunday services falls off in summer.  And being a realist, Thexton adds that even though services continue, ministers & lay leaders plan them to engage their congregations “Knowing many won’t be there – so what we have to say must last until we see you again, in September!”  We congregants may not wise to miss these important messages!

Everyone is welcome and invited to attend BHUU Sunday services at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom;  the zoom link is sent to members, although all interested may request it by contacting

June 2, 2024

PR 2024-06-02

Rev Terry Cummings will grace the Blue Hills UU’s morning this first Sunday in June, by conducting the traditional “Flower Service.”  Many Unitarian Universalist congregations celebrate this service in honor of Norbert Capek, who founded the Unitarian Church in Czechoslovakia, introducing this special ceremony on June 4, 1923.  All are invited to join with us in celebrating the communion of flowers.

For those who are attending in person, Rev Cummings asks to please bring a flower to the service to be placed in a communal vase.  At the end of the service, all will be invited to take a different flower home with them. For those attending by Zoom, we suggest that you have at least one flower nearby during the service.   We will hold a brief ritual to bless the flowers as we close. 

For those interested in history of Norbert Capek and the Prague Unitaria Flower Communion, see:

The Unitarian church in Prague, “Unitaria.”

Everyone is welcome to attend BHUU Sunday services at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom;  the zoom link is sent to members, but all interested may request it by contacting