Sunday, March 19th Schedule


There will be a documentary showing of “Before the Flood” and a discussion to follow.  In the documentary, Leonardo DiCaprio collaborates with activists, scientists, and change makers to discuss how climate change is impacting life as we know it and how everyday people can be a part of the solution.  Child care will be provided during the film.

11:30 Potluck

As always, wholesome food, hot coffee, and enlightening conversation will be had at our third Sunday potluck!  Bring a dish to pass if you please 🙂

Sunday, March 12th Schedule

9:15 Forum: common read discussion continued

Jude Genereaux will be leading the continuation of the book discussion on the UU common read, “The Third Reconstruction: How a Moral Movement is Overcoming the Politics of Division and Fear.”

10:30 Service: the measure of all things

Our speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Bruce Johnson, minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Duluth.  He will be talking about the varied teachings of Humanism and about how to “heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of mind and spirit.”

11:30 coffee, tea, and snacks

Sunday, March 5th Schedule

9:15 Forum: Discussion of the uua’s common read

Linda Tollefsrud will be facilitating the discussion of the book “The Third Reconstruction: How a Moral Movement is Overcoming the Politics of Division and Fear.”

10:30 Service: Norsk Myth & Predictions of the Future

Waldo Asp delves into the timelessness of Nordic myths; of how they reflect what we believe to be true, and how myths have and will continue to facilitate our predictions for the future, especially for those discovering the planet and cosmos.

11:30 Coffee, tea, and snacks

12:00 board meeting: all are welcome to attend

Sunday, February 19 Schedule

9:15 Forum: altruism

Rena and Bryan Wetzel-Curtis will be leading a discussion about the selfless concern for all of life and how this practice brings benefits to all parties.  How altruism can contribute to a more peaceful planet will be a great topic to think and talk about.

10:30 Service: Reader’s Theater: “god and gabe”

The play, written by Kent Shifferd, features a conversation between God and the Angel Gabriel. God is trying to make sense of humans and has Gabe bring various people before Him so he can question them.


11:30 Potluck

As always, wholesome food, hot coffee, and enlightening conversation will be had at our third Sunday potluck!

Sunday, February 12 Schedule

9:15 Forum: Poetry discussion: Robert Frost’s “The Draft Horse”

Judy Barisonzi will be leading the discussion of Robert Frost’s poem, “The Draft Horse.” Our poetry discussions are fun and engaging, and the more people who add their perspective, the more everyone will get out of it.

10:30 Service: Hildegard of bingen: What does this 12th century woman offer us?

Pat Schifferd will talk about Hildegard of Bingen, the 12th century mystic and composer, has also been characterized as being: scientist, ecologist, pantheist, feminist.  But who was she really?  The talk will attempt to discern who the real Hildegard was.

11:30 Coffee and snacks


Sunday, February 5th Schedule

9:15 Forum: Thoreau’s PoliticsImage result for thoreau

In the 8th part of the Transcendentalism Series, we will see how central Henry David Thoreau’s ideas were to democracy, freedom, and the role of the individual. This part highlights our right to abide by a higher law than the rules of our institutions.

10:30 Service: When Helping HurtsImage result for mlk what are you doing for others

Linda Tollefsrude offers a service that looks at “helping” in a different light. Sacrifices can be painful, but they are essential to our relationships.



11:30 Coffee and Snacks

12:00  Board Meeting

Sunday, January 29th Schedule

9:15 FORUM: RENEWING LOVEImage result for uu

How can the Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship reach out to the community? Who are we and what can we do to engage people who may or may not know about Unitarian Universalism? Several members of BHUU will offer context and questions to help find our “sweet spot.”

10:30 Service: FriendshipImage result for friendship

Pat Barry examines what it means to be a friend and maintain healthy relationships.

11:30 Coffee and Snacks

Join us for treats after the service!

Sunday, January 22nd Schedule

9:15 Forum: Renewing LoveImage result for uu

How can the Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship reach out to the community? Who are we and what can we do to engage people who may or may not know about Unitarian Universalism? Several members of BHUU will offer context and questions to help find our “sweet spot.”

10:30 Service: Norske Myths and Predictions about the FutureEdvard Munch The Sun

Waldo Asp delves into the timelessness of Nordic myths; of how they reflect what we believe to be true, and how myths have and will continue to facilitate our predictions for the future, especially for those discovering the planet and cosmos.

11:30 Coffee and Snacks

All are welcome!