PR 2021-03-28
Our fellowship is honored to have the Rev Phillips Sweet of the UU Door County, share with us “A Reflection on the Story of Palm Sunday” this coming week. Rev Sweet piques our interest noting that “Palm Sunday begins the story of the heart of Christian mythology with the entrance of Jesus into the capital city of Jerusalem. What are these stories saying about the qualities of the heart and mind beyond historical verification?

Palm Sunday was a gamble. Having failed in the countryside, Jesus had hoped to arouse interest in a new form of life based on compassion. At its deepest level, Palm Sunday is about “time.” When Jesus planned his triumphant procession, he announced that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand.
Could this be a silver lining to the pandemic? To hold time in a different kind of crucible? Have you become more aware of the weather and the seasons, the rising and setting of the sun, the rhythms of the natural world, the vital importance of relations and the need to nurture them? Have you learned in this period of isolation to not be overextended, how not to be fragmented, how not to be distracted, to put away petty concerns, to remember a time in your life when there was always time?”
Be with us this coming Sunday, March 28th. as we continue to hold Sunday services on Zoom at 10 a.m. The internet link will be sent to members, although all interested are invited to take part. Visitors may contact Ken Hood > < for the link needed. Those lacking cyberlink connection or equipment to enable participation, are invited to meet in the fellowship hall located at 230 W Messenger, masked and distanced, to watch the presentation on large screen ZOOM.