As in all groups, growth may bring change; so too the Unitarian-Universalists on a national scale. Our UU Association has chosen to review and re-write some of our founding statements, and the Blue Hills fellowship has been energetically investigating the controversy that has emerged within our denomination, both as to the process and specific wording of proposed changes.
Article II of our UUA by-laws contains the description of what we stand for, and is seen as the foundational statement of our beliefs. A controversy surrounds not only the proposed language to replace our current “Principles and Sources”, which have traditionally focused on our most important values, but also in how we grapple with the thorny issue of racism.

Our service on February 12 will review what is being proposed and to help us decide what position, if any, we choose to take as a fellowship as this long, complicated approval process moves forward. Be with us Sunday at 10 a.m., either in the sanctuary or on Zoom as we take on this most important challenge to our association in stating “Who” we are and what we believe. The Zoom link is sent to members, but others interested may request it from Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged.