We’ve all heard of Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross, but did you know she was a Universalist? In conducting our service Sunday February 19 at Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist, Chaplain Dennis Peters will highlight some of the other facets of this impactive nurse, schoolteacher, patent office worker’s life.
Ch Peters notes that “At 5 feet nothing, Clarissa Harlowe Barton was one of the giants of her time, pushing for women’s equality in treatment and pay.” During the Civil War, Barton provided care for soldiers on both sides of struggle; Peters reports “When a cause was important to her, she pushed, bullied and badgered to make change – including President Lincoln!”
Sunday the 19th marks the return of our “Third Sunday Pot Lucks” at Blue Hills UU; bring a dish to pass and be with us as we gather downstairs for fellowship.

All who seek insight are welcome at BHUU, 230 W. Messenger in Rice Lake. The 10 a.m. Service can be accessed via Zoom; the link is sent to members, but others interested may request it from patriciashifferd@gmail.com. Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged. https://bluehillsuu.org