PR 2024-06-02
Rev Terry Cummings will grace the Blue Hills UU’s morning this first Sunday in June, by conducting the traditional “Flower Service.” Many Unitarian Universalist congregations celebrate this service in honor of Norbert Capek, who founded the Unitarian Church in Czechoslovakia, introducing this special ceremony on June 4, 1923. All are invited to join with us in celebrating the communion of flowers.
For those who are attending in person, Rev Cummings asks to please bring a flower to the service to be placed in a communal vase. At the end of the service, all will be invited to take a different flower home with them. For those attending by Zoom, we suggest that you have at least one flower nearby during the service. We will hold a brief ritual to bless the flowers as we close.
For those interested in history of Norbert Capek and the Prague Unitaria Flower Communion, see:

Everyone is welcome to attend BHUU Sunday services at 10 a.m., 230 W. Messenger, Rice Lake, or on Zoom; the zoom link is sent to members, but all interested may request it by contacting