
September 24, 2022

The service for September 24th at Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist fellowship will consider the long and complex history of UU, extending from eastern Europe to California, and including the Upper Midwest.

The Rice Lake congregation will share a recent video compiled by the “Heritage and Archives Committee of the Prairie Star District”, former name of the local district, and its relevance to present issues in our faith community.   Led by member Judith Barisonzi, a focused discussion on the video “”Heritage of Heresy” will follow the viewing of the video at 10 a.m.

All who seek insight are welcome at Blue Hills UU, 230 W Messenger in Rice Lake. Those interested in attending a “free-range discussion” time before the service, are invited to tune in to Zoom at 9 a.m. or be at the church to take part. Services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to members, and all who are interested may contact for the same.

Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged. Wearing masks is optional for those attending at the church; all are expected to be fully vaccinated.

September 18, 2022

Chaplain Dennis Peters will address the Blue Hills Unitarian Universalists, Sunday, September 18th, 10 a.m. to explore “The Call to Action”, in context with the UU Sixth Principle: “The goal of world community, with peace, liberty and justice for all.”

For all of the very real and numerous problems in the world, there is a corresponding host of “helper” organizations with specific missions to meet these challenges, or at least assist with them.  Ch. Peters notes that “many of these groups have outreach in our area, and we may find local activities available right at our doorstep.”  Those in attendance will be encouraged to share experiences with action during the discussion period.

All who seek insight are welcome at Blue Hills UU, 230 W Messenger in Rice Lake.  Those interested in attending a “free-range discussion” time before the service, are invited to our Zoom-Room at 9 a.m., or be at the church to take part.  Services are broadcast on Zoom;  the link is sent to members and all interested may contact for the same.

Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged. Wearing masks is optional for those attending at the church;  all are expected to be

fully vaccinated.

September 11, 2022

PR 2022-09-11

Unitarian Universalist Congregational Life Consultant, Rev Phil Lund will conduct the Service at Blue Hills UU Sunday, September 11th., at 10 a.m.   His message, “Not Just Foolishly Romantic” is intended to help us be hopeful in these challenging times.

“Being hopeful is more than being foolishly romantic”, according to historian Howard Zinn.  It does however, require some effort on our part.  Rev Lund shares the good news, that every congregation can tap into the energy it needs to act to make this world a better place. Be with us as we explore how we can make this happen —individually and collectively—by “behaving magnificently” in defiance of all the hurt and heartbreak around us.

Rev Phil Lund

All who seek insight are welcome at Blue Hills UU, 230 W Messenger in Rice Lake. Those interested in attending a “free-range discussion” time before the service, are invited to tune in to Zoom at 9 a.m. or be at the church to take part.  Services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to members, but all who are interested are invited to contact for the same.

Gathering for fellowship & coffee after the service is encouraged.  Wearing masks is optional for those attending at the church;  all are expected to be fully vaccinated. 

September 4, 2022

This coming Sunday, September 4th.  we will gather in the backyard of our Blue Hills UU at 11 a.m. to commemorate “Ingathering”, with our traditional ceremony, celebrating our expected seasonal returns.  We will also enjoy a  much missed potluck luncheon.

Please bring a stone from your summer travels to add to our table of remembrances, and perhaps share with others what meaning it carries.  It could be from a special place, or perhaps it brings to mind something important to you?

Bring a dish to share following the brief service, and perhaps a lawn chair to meet either in the yard or the church downstairs.  If you don’t wish to navigate the inside stair case, come around the south end of the building where you will find the recently rebuilt steps at the back of the building.   


If you find yourself otherwise engaged this Labor Day weekend, you’re invited to send your commemorative rock with a friend, or we will find a time at later services for you to contribute.   This Sunday Service will not be on Zoom, and the “Discussion Hour” not held – so save your topic for Sept 11th when both will reZoom.   Wearing masks is again optional for those attending inside the church as current CDC recommendations for our area have been upgraded;  all are expected to be fully vaccinated. 

August 28, 2022

Award winning twin brothers Joseph and John DeMasi will present their original musical service “Our Children are Watching”, for a morning of music and contemplation at Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 10 a.m. Sunday August 28th. The contemporary folk singers, songwriters and recording artists create songs imbued with their Unitarian Universalist belief in love, inclusion, tolerance, understanding, and the worth and dignity of all. The brothers explain their goal “In this time of struggle and turmoil, how we use our UU values to guide us is the legacy our actions leave for future generations.” 

Joseph and John DeMasi

All who seek insight are welcome at Blue Hills UU, 230 W Messenger in Rice Lake. Those interested in attending a “free-range discussion” time before the service, are invited to tune in to Zoom at 9 a.m. or be at the church to take part.

BHUU requires wearing masks for those attending at the church in accordance with current CDC recommendations for our area, and expect all to be fully vaccinated.  Services are also broadcast on Zoom, the link sent to members although all who are interested are invited to contact for the same. Gathering for fellowship after the service is encouraged, although gnoshing  & coffee have been suspended for the time being.

August 21, 2022

Chaplain Dennis Peters will travel to Rice Lake August 21st to present the Sunday Service at Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist church.  In a series of sermons focused on the Sources and Principles of UU, Peter’s message will explore the sixth:  “The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.”  

A lofty goal shared by our nation and this fellowship, can world peace ever be achieved?  Have we met any milestones we can point to with hope or pride?  A lively discussion is expected to follow;  all who seek insight are welcome at Blue Hills UU, 230 W Messenger in Rice Lake. Those interested in attending a “free-range discussion” time before the service, are invited to tune in to Zoom at 9 a.m. or be at the church to take part.

Dennis Peters

Wearing of masks will be again be required for those attending at the church, in accordance with current CDC recommendations for our area;  we expect all to be fully vaccinated.  Services are also broadcast on Zoom, the link sent to members although all who are interested are invited to contact for the same. There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church.

August 14, 2022

Blue Hills Unitarian Universalists welcome guest lay leader Arthur Thexton Sunday August 14th, to explore how one goes about “Finding Respect in an Age of Contempt.” Thexton notes “We live in difficult times: an ex-president who displays disrespect at every turn, and so invites it in return. An electorate so angry and disgusted that it turned to the most extreme alternative we have seen in our lifetimes. A Congress with ratings so low that it is a wonder that any member is re-elected, or even has the chutzpah to run again. Yet, here we are. How do we find a way to respect those whom we hold in contempt?”

The 10 a.m. Service will be led by Mr Thexton, a former Rice Lake resident and attorney for Barron County, followed by a lively discussion time expected to follow. All who seek insight are welcomed at Blue Hills UU, 230 W Messenger in Rice Lake.

Arthur Thexton

Those interested in attending a “free-range discussion” time before the service, are invited to tune in to Zoom at 9 a.m. or be at the church to take part. Wearing of masks will be again be required for those attending at the church, in accordance with current CDC recommendations for our area; we expect all to be fully vaccinated. Services are also broadcast on Zoom, the link sent to members although all who are interested are invited to contact for the same.

July 3, 2022

What could be more apropos than a classic BHUU SOAPBOX SUNDAY to kick off the red, white & blue month of July in a most patriotic flurry?   Our newly elected Board Chair, Jim Bradley will facilitate the flow of discussion on Sunday, July 3rd as we bring to the fore our most passionate pleas, rancorous rants and querulous questions.  Where IS our nation going?  Why do we do that?  And what is going to be our salvation?  Plan to bring to us your rising rage, and also –please- your most hopeful hallejuia’s as to how we get through this time.

All who seek insight are invited to be with us at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings;  those fully vaccinated are welcome at BHUU.  In accordance with CDC recommendations, use of masks is optional.  Services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to members, and all who may be interested are invited to contact for the link.  There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church.

June 26, 2022

Be sure to be with us next Sunday, June 26, as fellow member Pat Barry leads the fellowship on a quest in “Telling Our Stories”.   As part of the Service, Pat will present her theory as to how each of us creates our life story, positing that they may not be the same as how others in our various relationships might see them.   

The fellowship will be prompted to share (short) episodes of their lives during the discussion period, inspired by a number of probing questions Ms. Barry will share with the congregation.

Pat Barry

All who seek insight are invited to be with us at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings;  those fully vaccinated are welcome at BHUU.  In accordance with CDC recommendations, use of masks is optional.  Services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to members, and all who may be interested are invited to contact for the link.  There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church.

June 18, 2022

June 18th brings Ch Dennis Peters to lead the service at Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist fellowship, 230 W Messenger in Rice Lake.   Choosing the Fourth Principle of UU, “A Free and Responsible Search for Truth and Meaning”, Ch Peters will review historical roots of Unitarianism, founded in the United States in 1825, to then merge with  Universalists in 1961.   As is our tradition, a discussion always follows.  

Ch Dennis Peters

All who seek insight are invited to be with us at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings;  those fully vaccinated are welcome at BHUU.  In accordance with CDC recommendations, use of masks is optional.  Services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to members, and all who may be interested are invited to contact for the link.  There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church.