June 12, 2022

Part II of our group viewing of the film THE INVISIBLE HAND which took place last weekend, continues this coming Sunday, June 12  as BHUU members and visitors gather at the church and on Zoom to discuss impressions and reactions to the award winning documentary created by Mark Ruffalo, Joshua Pribanic and Melissa Troutman

Focused on a global movement, Grant Township PA became the first community in the U.S. to attempt to defend an ecosystem in court  using the genre “Rights of Nature.”   A new legal paradigm to western culture, the court is challenged to decide “Does nature hold inalienable rights?  Shall it be granted personhood in a court of law?”  In the current global battle between capitalism and democracy, this becomes relevant as we explore the fight for survival, and why it is at stake.

All who seek insight are invited to be with us at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings;  those fully vaccinated are welcome at BHUU.  In accordance with CDC recommendations, use of masks is optional.  Services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to  members, and all who may be interested are invited to contact patriciashifferd@gmail.com for the link needed.   There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church, located at 230 W. Messenger St. in Rice Lake.

JUNE! 5, 2022

Our Service June 5th will feature the film The Invisible Hand.  Described as a documentary in a new genre defined as “The Rights of Nature” this creation from Mark Ruffalo, Joshua Pribanic and Melissa Troutman has already won four “Best” awards in its category.   The “plot-twisting, eye-opening” story stems from a court battle in Grant County, PA to stop fracking waste from being injected in their watershed, and becomes relevant to the current global battle between capitalism and democracy as it explores the fight for our survival, and why it is at stake. 

The Fracking Fields, Bloomer mine, Chippewa County, WI

The film can be accessed online any time by googling it, and can be watched at home OR at the church on Sunday morning, June 5th.  A link to the film’s website, password and detailed instructions will be sent to members ahead of time; we will then host a discussion on the film June 12th

May 29, 2022

BHUU’s just wanna have FUN!   (too!) So after putting a long winter to rest, our annual meeting and KP Sunday behind us, and anticipating a brand new year ahead – we’ve planned our Second Annual Picnic in the Park, Memorial Day weekend.

In a response to the many restrictions indoor meetings placed upon us, in 2021 we came upon this great way to gather the clan.   So successful was it, we’re anxious to make it a tradition, so we’ve reserved the shelter at Veteran’s Memorial Park, downtown Rice Lake on Lakeshore Dr. between Stout and Douglas Street.  Bring your own utensils, a plate, beverage, a dish to pass & C’mon down!

We’ll gather at 11:00 –dress accordingly and be prepared to just hang out and be with friends.   This Sunday’s gathering won’t be on Zoom, so can’t be shared in that manner – but ALL ARE WELCOME, as always … so y’all come!  See you at the lake.  

May 22, 2022

Blue Hills UU’s mark the approach of a new year of programs, services, new officers and budgeting at our ANNUAL MEETING -this Sunday, May 22.   A slate of officers will be presented for the full body to elect, as well as the proposed budget for the year that begins July 1st.  All members are urged to take part in this important meeting, which can be accessed in person at 10 a.m. in the fellowship hall, or on Zoom.  After the business of the morning is completed, there will be time for all to contribute to our spring tradition “KP Morning”, to clean up the grounds and interior.

Spring Clean-UP!

All who seek insight are invited to be with us at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings;  those  fully vaccinated are welcome at BHUU.  In accordance with CDC recommendations, the use of masks is optional.  Our services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to  members, and all who may be interested are invited to contact patriciashifferd@gmail.com for the link needed.   There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church, located at 230 W. Messenger St. in Rice Lake.

May 15, 2022

The Third Principle of Unitarian belief:   “Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations” will be the topic of our visiting chaplain, Dennis Peters, Sunday, May 15.   As UU’s we are not tied to historical dogmas or doctrine, but spend our time together in search of universal truths that for us, bring meaning to our time on earth and define what actual spirituality requires. 

A Sunday morning at Blue Hills UU

All who seek insight are invited to be with us at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings;  those who are fully vaccinated are welcome at BHUU.  According to CDC recommendations, the use of masks is optional.  Our services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to  members, and all who may be interested are invited to contact patriciashifferd@gmail.com for the link needed.   There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church, located at 230 W. Messenger St. in Rice Lake.

May 8, 2022

PR 2022-05-08

Our Blue Hills UU Fellowship supports the work of the UUSC in a variety of ways, but –what exactly IS the UUSC?  “The “Unitarian Universalist Service Committee is a non-profit, nonsectarian associate member organization of the Unitarian Universalist Association that works to provide disaster relief and promote human rights and social justice around the world.”   Founded in May of 1940 by Lotta Hitschmano, today’s UUSC is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

An appropriate choice for our service this Mother’s Day, Sunday,May 8th , BHUU’s will learn more about the  nurturing work and accomplishments of the UUSC;  our service begins at the standard time, 10 a.m.

All who seek insight are invited to be with us on Sunday mornings;  those who are fully vaccinated are welcome at BHUU.  As of Thursday April 28, the CDC’s Covid-19 Community Level for Barron County increased to “High”. covid-by-county.html  It is the recommendation of the CDC that all persons gathering in public indoor spaces wear a mask at this level.  Therefore, due to the age and health conditions of some of our members and friends, we are asking/requiring that all in-person attendees at Sunday’s BHUU service wear a mask while in the building.  This shall continue until the risk level is reduced.

Services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to all members, although all who may be interested are invited to contact patriciashifferd@gmail.com for the link needed.   There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church, located at 230 W. Messenger St. in Rice Lake.


May 1, 2022

Fellow Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist, Dr. Mark Van Etten hosts the Service Sunday, May 1st and plans to provoke those attending with the question: “Utopia, Really?” Using Rutger Bregman’s book “Utopia for Realists” as a starting point, Mark will launch those attending into a discussion as to whether this concept of utopia is useful – are his utopian ideals realistic?  What would  Utopia(s) would look like to YOU?        

Now retired from Spooner Health medical staff, Dr. Van Etten remains deeply involved in community and family life and has been an annual Birkie skier for many years.  He’s been heard to claim that living in the town of Greater Madge is abit of a Utopia all of it’s own.  

All who seek insight are invited to be with us on Sunday mornings;  those who are fully vaccinated are welcome at BHUU.  Use of masks is optional, consistent with CDC recommendations.  Services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to all members, although all who may be interested are invited to contact patriciashifferd@gmail.com for the link needed.   There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church, located at 230 W. Messenger St. in Rice Lake.

April 24, 2022

Sunday, April 24th, Rice Lake Blue Hills Unitarian Universalists will commemorate Earth Day in a service presented by Dr. Kent Shifferd of Trego, “Standing On The Side Of Love”, beginning at 10 a.m.  As UU’s, we believe love is not simply an emotion, but a behavior enhanced by action.

Dr Shifferd will present an account of BHUU’s Social & Environmental Justice Committee efforts in behalf of preserving the sanctity of Wisconsin’s water, countering Enbridge’s proposed Line 5 as a threat to the Bad River Watershed and Lake Superior.  In support of Native American treaty rights and the integrity of pure water, Line 5 is seen as a threat to both.

Dr. Kent Shifferd

All who seek insight are invited to be with us on Sunday mornings;  those who are fully vaccinated are welcome at BHUU.  Use of masks is optional, consistent with CDC recommendations.  Services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to all members, although all who may be interested are invited to contact patriciashifferd@gmail.com for the link needed.   There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church, located at 230 W. Messenger St. in Rice Lake.

Jane Goodall Lists her Reasons for Hope:

  • the amazing human intellect
  • the resilience of nature
  • the power of youth
  • and the indomitable human spirit.

April 17, 2022

Sunday April 17th brings the Rev. Marlin Lavanhar, senior minister of All Souls Unitarian church in Tulsa Oklahoma to Blue Hills Unitarian Universalists. Rev Lavanhar’s serman will explore “Why Do Humanists Go to Church?”, delving into the importance of openness to all sources of morality when doubt and reason co-exist.  This sermon becomes an interesting exploration into the UU Third Principle:  “A free and responsible search for trust and meaning.”  This service comes to us in Rice Lake via Zoom, shared large screen at the church and with participants at home, 10 a.m.

Rev Marlin Lavanhar

All who seek insight are invited to be with us on Sunday mornings;  those who are fully vaccinated are welcome at BHUU.  Use of masks is optional, consistent with CDC recommendations.  Services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to all members, although all who may be interested are invited to contact patriciashifferd@gmail.com for the link needed.   There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church, located at 230 W. Messenger St. in Rice Lake.

April 10, 2022

Members of the Blue Hills Unitarian Universalists are guided by “Seven Principles”, derived from a number of spiritual and theological sources.   At the 10 a.m. Service, Sunday April 10th, visiting Chaplain Dennis Peters will use explore our Second Principle, “Justice, equity and compassion in human relations” as inspiration for the sermon.  

The Principles are not dogma or doctrine, but rather a guide for those of us who choose to join and participate in Unitarian Universalist religious communities;  all who seek insight are invited to be with us on Sunday mornings.

Those who are fully vaccinated are welcome at BHUU.  Use of masks is optional, consistent with CDC recommendations.  Services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to all members, although all who may be interested are invited to contact patriciashifferd@gmail.com for the link needed.   There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church, located at 230 W. Messenger St. in Rice Lake.