Part II of our group viewing of the film THE INVISIBLE HAND which took place last weekend, continues this coming Sunday, June 12 as BHUU members and visitors gather at the church and on Zoom to discuss impressions and reactions to the award winning documentary created by Mark Ruffalo, Joshua Pribanic and Melissa Troutman
Focused on a global movement, Grant Township PA became the first community in the U.S. to attempt to defend an ecosystem in court using the genre “Rights of Nature.” A new legal paradigm to western culture, the court is challenged to decide “Does nature hold inalienable rights? Shall it be granted personhood in a court of law?” In the current global battle between capitalism and democracy, this becomes relevant as we explore the fight for survival, and why it is at stake.

All who seek insight are invited to be with us at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings; those fully vaccinated are welcome at BHUU. In accordance with CDC recommendations, use of masks is optional. Services are also broadcast on Zoom; the link is sent to members, and all who may be interested are invited to contact for the link needed. There will be time for fellowship and coffee after the service at the church, located at 230 W. Messenger St. in Rice Lake.