November 28, 2021

Thanksgiving arrives surrounded in tradition, family values and mythology – some of it accurate.  The Blue Hills Unitarian Universalists share in the season’s prodigal conventions during Sunday service November 28th in celebration of our many blessings.  Led by Chairwoman Pat Shifferd, the fellowship will consider the deeper meaning of the holiday in contrast with orthodox perceptions.

Prof Pat Schifferd

The service will be conducted on Zoom, although members are invited to attend the 10:00 a.m. service in the fellowship hall at 230 W Messenger St in Rice Lake;  those attending in person are asked to be vaccinated, and it is suggested that wearing a mask is prudent.   The Zoom link will be sent to members, but all those   interested are invited to contact for the link needed.  See for more information.

November 21, 2021

Guest speaker at the Unitarian-Universalist fellowship in Rice Lake November 21st will be Peighton Carter, discussing the challenging and often beautiful aspects of coming to terms with reality.  Sharing experiences with life’s little joys through the changing realities of disability, Carter is sure to generate a lively hour of contemplation in the focus on “My Love-Hate Relationship with Reality.”

“Pey” Carter is a fourth year seminary student at Iliff School of Theology, whose attention in school and in ministry is on storytelling and narrative justice, as well as accessibility and inclusion for all.  Also a parent of two children and a U.S. Army veteran, Carter will share experiences as a disabled queer person.

Peighton “Pey” Carter

All are invited to attend the 10:00 a.m. services at Blue Hills UU, 230 W Messenger St in Rice Lake;  all attending are asked to be vaccinated, and it is suggested that wearing a mask prudent as well.  Services can also be accessed via “Zoom” for the benefit of the whole fellowship and those  interested;   visitors may contact for the link needed.  See for more information.

November 14, 2021

Chaplain Dennis Peters will conduct the service at Blue Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Sunday, November 14th., exploring the topic of “Friendship.  While some friendships last only a short time, hopefully we all have those that become deeply meaningful;  what difference do each of them make in our lives? And what is their value in our lives as a whole? Ch Peters will challenge us to consider “When do we receive more than we give, or vice versa, in our friendships?”  

Chaplain Dennis Peters

All are invited to attend the 10:00 a.m. services at BHUU, 230 W Messenger St in Rice Lake;  those not vaccinated are asked to wear a mask.   Services can also be accessed via “Zoom” for the benefit of the whole fellowship and those  interested;   visitors may contact for the link needed.  See for more information.

November 7, 2021

Reverend Suzanne Wasilczuk reflects on diversity, appreciation and goodwill to all, as she visits Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalists as guest speaker by way of  Zoom, November 7th.   To illustrate our hopes for the season, Rev Wasilczuk uses song to express her enthusiasm and hope for the coming holidays.

Celebrating Thanksgiving’s symbolic gathering, “Christians and Pagans,  Together at the Table”, Wasilczuk projects that “Much like last year, we will gather in person, or by phone and internet;  folks of many different religious and political persuasions – together, to pray in peace and harmony in our attempts at mutual understanding.” 

Rev Suzanne Wasilczuk

Rev Wasilczuk comes to us from Duluth, MN ZOOM this Sunday October 24th. at 10 a.m. BHUU has resumed gathering at the fellowship hall, but continues all services on Zoom for the benefit of the whole fellowship.  The internet link will be sent to members, although all are invited to take part;  visitors may contact for the link needed.  See for more information.

October 31, 2021

October 31st – All Saints Day, Halloween, Day of the Dead – however you acknowledge this weekend is sure to be filled with history, tradition and myth.  The Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship will spend the morning with member Judith Barisonzi considering the many haunting ways that death – and grammar! impact our activities during this distinctive day’s service.  All attending, whether it be on Zoom or in the building, are encouraged to wear a mask – a Halloween mask!

BHUU has resumed gathering at the fellowship hall at 10 a.m. Sundays, and is continuing all services on Zoom for the benefit of the whole fellowship.  The internet link will be sent to members, although all are invited to take part;  visitors may contact for the link needed.  See for more information.

October 24, 2021

The Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalists are delighted to announce the return of former neighbor, friend Arthur Thexton to share Sunday’s message with the Fellowship.   Arthur will probe our religious connection to nature, especially in this time of global climate change.  Emphasizing our UU sources of faith, he explores what they offer concerning our relationship to nature, as “both our Seventh Principle and the Sixth Source speak directly to this question.”

“What in particular is our religious connection to nature in this age of global climate change? What do our UU principles and the sources of our faith have to offer concerning our relationship  nature? Both our 7th Principle and our 6th Source speak quite directly to this question.”

Having received his M.A. in Religious Studies from the University of Chicago Divinity School in 1974, Mr Thexton went on to earn a J.D. from the UW Law School in 1977;  for a number of years served as Family Support counselor at Barron County in the 1980’s.

Arthur Thexton

Mr. Thexton comes to us from Milwaukee, via ZOOM this Sunday October 24th. at 10 a.m.  BHUU has resumed gathering at the fellowship hall, but continues all services on Zoom for the benefit of the whole fellowship.  The internet link will be sent to members, although all are invited to take part;  visitors may contact for the link needed.  See for more information.

October 17, 2021

Rev Erin Walter comes to us from Austin, TX to present the Sunday, October 17th Service at Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship of Rice Lake, “People-They Are A’Changing”.  Based on our UU third principle: “Acceptance of one another and the encouragement of spiritual growth in our congregations”, Rev Walter notes that “We are not the same as we were before the pandemic, for even in seemingly uneventful times, people grow and change;  as we have grappled with the challenges of the past eighteen months, we have acted through our faith.”

Rev Erin Walter

We will meet via Zoom at 10 a.m. for this service;  although Blue Hills UU’s have resumed gathering “in-person” at the fellowship hall, we continue to hold some services on Zoom, as well as transmitting all for the benefit of the whole fellowship.  The internet link will be sent to members, although all are invited to take part;  visitors may contact for the link needed. 

October 10, 2021

Chaplain Dennis Peters travels to Rice Lake this coming Sunday to talk with the Blue Hills UU’s about the Chalice:   Our Secret Symbol.    How did we come to use the Chalice as our symbol? And what does it mean to us? Is it just a  pretty lapel pin? Merely a candle we light at every service? Why do we do this?  Or is there a deeper meaning it carries for us—both as a Unitarian Universalist fellowship, and individually?   Ch Peters invites us to explore this with him on Sunday October 10th, 10 a.m.

While we’ve resumed meeting “in-person” at the BHUU fellowship hall, we’ll be  transmitting this Service via Zoom as well;  the internet link will be sent to members, although all are invited to take part and may contact for the link.

October 3, 2021

This first Sunday of October, the 3rd, our Blue Hills Fellowship with welcome Duama Bremer to update us on news of a new homeless shelter being created in Barron.  We will be gathering in the building this week, with time for fellowship and gnoshing after the 10:00 Service with our guest.

The tech-wizards in our Fellowship have created a hybrid model for programming of Services, combining those who want to gather in the building, with others linked in remotely through ZOOM. Sometimes the presenter will be at the church and those on ZOOM will be able to see and participate.  Conversely, if the presenter is at a remote location, those who wish to gather at the church can see the presentation on screen, participate, and enjoy each other’s company as well. Links will be sent out on Saturdays. If you have not been vaccinated, we request that you wear a mask while in the church building.

Fellowship Hall

September 26, 2021

Rev Phil Lund visits the Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship of Rice Lake Sunday Sept 26 via Zoom.   His Service will consider the continued decline of church membership, and if this is inevitable in future decades: “What does this mean for those of us who appreciate the important social benefits that come from belonging to a religious community?”

How do we manage the tension between hope and realism when it comes to the future of our faith?  And what can we as UU’s do for religion today – as well as tomorrow?  As UU’s, we expect Rev Lund’s thought provoking Service will lead to a lively discussion.

Rev Phil Lund

Services have resumed “in-person” at the BHUU fellowship hall, alternating with transmitting some via Zoom;  the internet link will be sent to members, although all are invited to take part and may contact for the link.

UU Fellowship of Menomonie, Mabel Tainter Theatre