
Sunday, October 20th Schedule

dennis peters

Rice Lake Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalists welcome Pastor Dennis Peters again to our fellowship this coming Sunday, October 20th.   His sermon will focus on the treasures to be found in autumn. “The joy, the melancholy, the reflection … what do we find when we reach within”;  Peters challenges us to “ponder the imponderables”.

After concluding the 10 a.m. service, there will be a time for fellowship and light nourishment;  this “Third Sunday” of October features our monthly Pot Luck, always a highlight of our time together and all are invited.    

Sunday, October 13th Schedule

A musical Sunday service at Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist fellowship will be offered through the talents of FEBRUARY SKY, folksingers Phil Cooper & Susan Urban. “Hearken Now, the Darkness Comes”, a celebration of the last-harvest holiday of Samhain will begin at 10:00 a.m., October 13th.  In the course of the service, ancient traditions are observed in reflection of their significance in our modern lives.

The Celtic word “Samhain” means “summer’s end”, a holiday noting the beginning of winter and a time for giving thanks for a good harvest, and also the time of year when the veil between the worlds of the living and dead is said to be the thinnest.  The dead are invited back for loving remembrance, so all are invited to bring a photo or memento of a departed loved one to place on our Samhain altar.

Sunday, October 6th Schedule

Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalists welcome the Rev. Julie Lepp, Lifespan Minister for the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Eau Claire, to Rice Lake October 6th .  Rev Lepp asks the fellowship “Mirror, Mirror On The Wall – What do we see each time we gaze into the mirror?

julie lepp
Rev. Julie Lepp

Taking from the work of Roger Housden, we’ll ask ourselves to consider “What does our familiar face reflect of the heart and soul of our life?” Are you the same person deep down that you see in the mirror?  Come join us on Sunday as we reflect on “Self Portrait” by David Whyte.

Located at 230 W Messenger St, the Blue Hills UU is a welcoming congregation, inviting all to visit and stay for a time of light nourishment and fellowship after the 10:00 service.

Sunday, September 29th Schedule

kent shifferd
Our very own Kent Shifferd.

A two tiered effort takes place Sunday Sept 29th at the Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist fellowship. 10:00 a.m. brings Kent Shifferd to the podium in Rice Lake with his message as to “The Future We Can Have”.  Professor Emeritus of Northland College and member of BHUU, Dr. Shifferd is well versed in, and deeply concerned over the environmental challenges we now face. His sermon will focus on critical solutions to the global ecological crisis needed and the extensive changes we need to make now in our beliefs, values and social institutions.  “This includes the economy and technology if we are to continue as a successful species on this beautiful planet.” Shifferd draws on many sources to describe what a successful world could look like and how we might get there.

A “talk-back” session following the service will consider “What do we do here and now?” and offer time for those attending to share thoughts and concerns. All are welcome to attend Blue Hills UU, located at 230 W Messenger in Rice Lake, and invited to stay for light nourishment and fellowship after the 10:00 service.

A new addition at BHUU is the creation of a “Drum Circle”; a brief first meeting will be led by Brian Rude this same Sunday at 12:00 noon.  Together we will beat out exciting rhythms like “Peanut Butter Sandwich” and “Mac & Cheese.” It’s community building and lots of fun!

This “Fifth Sunday” of a month also marks the time several northwestern UU fellowships congregate as one. The River Falls Unitarian-Universalist Society will host representatives from St Croix Falls, Menomonie and Rice Lake at their service 10:30 a.m. located at N8010 HWY 65 River Falls. 

Sunday, September 22nd Schedule

Our Blue Hills U-U fellowship enthusiastically welcomes once again Rev Phil Lund of St Paul, MN to conduct the service on September 22nd.   A member of the MidAmerica Region of the UUA, pastor Lund holds a Master of Divinity degree from Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago, a certificate in InterSpiritual Counseling from One Spirit Learning Alliance in New York, and has completed a wealth of additional training in counseling and meditation arts.

phil lund

Rev Lund’s sermon will address the topic of “(W)hol(e)iness”.  In explanation, Lund points out that both wholeness and holiness are about relationship—a living relationship to all things.  “When we find what is holy in ourselves, in others, and in creation, we find ourselves in relationship with the whole.”  His service  will explore how nurturing that relationship can be a path toward wholeness and holiness.   A short talk-back session after the service will enable the congregation to ask questions and share observations.

Please remember that Service now begins at 10 a.m. on Sundays; we welcome everyone to Blue Hills UU, and to stay for fellowship and light nourishment after the service.

Sunday, September 15th Schedule

September 15th brings member Ginny Gelineau of the Rice Lake Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist fellowship to lead the service; “In Defense of Anger” will be the focus of her message. Do we too often try to silence anger? Or should we pay attention to this important alert system to danger, which can often be a healthy reaction to intolerable conditions. Anger also helps us identify our own boundaries, so while holding onto it can be harmful, it may also be lifesaving. 

A short talk-back session after the 10:00 a.m. service will give us time to explore and share thoughts this coming Sunday morning.

Everyone is always welcome at the BHUU, located at 230 Messenger St in Rice Lake. The Third Sunday of the month is “Pot Luck”, so plan to stay and visit awhile after the service.

Sunday, September 1st Schedule

On Sunday, September 1st., the Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist fellowship of Rice Lake will host “Soapbox Sunday” – a favorite gathering for UU’s when everyone is given opportunity to share topical concerns regarding our culture and society at large.  This Forum on the First will be led by member Carlin Stelzer beginning at 10:30 a.m.

Following all gatherings, the congregation invites those attending to join them for light nourishment in the fellowship hall.

soapbox stand with painted words

Sunday, August 25th Schedule

Member and well known UWBC faculty member Linda Tollefsrud will lead a forum simply entitled “Trees”, at the Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalist fellowship, Sunday August 25th. Especially in summer, with its Robin Hood deep forest greens, we take time to consider the importance “trees” are to each of us and the roles they play in our lives.

What is you favorite type of tree? Do you have a favorite tree story?  A favorite book about trees? Who among us have shared the delight of building and hanging out in a tree house? Do they provide a spiritual element to your life? Then comes the essential role they play in storing carbon and providing the very oxygen we breathe–how deeply important are trees in our life?  

The forum begins at 10:30 a.m. at the BHUU fellowship located at 230 W Messenger Street in Rice Lake; a time for nourishment and togetherness always follows the forum, and all are welcome and invited to attend.

tree house

Sunday, August 18th Schedule

Drumming & Poetry … rhythm and rhyme?   Prepare to participate and enjoy both ! as the Blue Hills Unitarian-Universalists bring Don Karsky of St Croix Falls to teach us a few things about drum circles.  Mr Karksy is well known on the western edge of the state for leading an uplifting spiritual experience through hand drumming and the power of the spoken word. 

All are invited to attend Blue Hills UU services, and this particular morning, are encouraged to bring a drum;  if you don’t have one Mr. Karsky will have extras to share.  And if you have a favorite poem focused on the spiritual or natural world, bring it to share during this service.

Participate or observe:  it’s your choice – but we’re certain you will be engaged by the energy of this morning service which begins at 10:30 a.m., Sunday August 18th.   And who knows?  Those interested might establish a drumming circle of their own, as the beat goes on.

This being “third Sunday” of the month also means there will be a Pot Luck luncheon following the service;   all are welcome to join in.  

a drum circle led by Don Karsky

Sunday, August 11th Schedule

Marty Sozhansky will reflect on “The Way of the Book: A Journey”.

Sunday August 11th brings Marty Sozhansky of the Duluth congregation to conduct the service for Rice Lake’s Unitarian-Universalists. Reflecting on the importance of reading and how it leads to associated membership in book clubs, Sozhansky will reflect on “The Way of the Book: A Journey”. Believing that books and participation in book clubs “inform life immeasurably”, she will explore how participation in stems from a true interest in literary analysis and broadening our understanding of cultural issues, as they also fulfill our need for fellowship.

All are welcome to attend the service beginning at 10:30 a.m.